Our Research Interns are undergraduate students seeking to apply what they are learning in school and to prepare for their future careers. Interns receive formal training on best practices and coding. Interns provide research support to our Research Fellows and receive one-on-one mentorship and coaching in the process.

Research Intern Program

“I received great mentorship and guidance both during and after my internship. The Research Fellow with whom I worked was —and continues to be — invested in my professional development and success.”

“I joined Bluestone Institute the summer after my freshman year of college. It was one of the only research opportunities I saw available to younger college students.”

“My internship at Bluestone Institute was my first exposure to research in a professional setting. The best practices and skills I learned during my internship will help me in classes and in my career.”

“At Bluestone Institute I felt comfortable learning new things and tackling new challenges. The supportive culture allowed me to grow professionally.”

At Bluestone Institute we pride ourselves on our collaborative, professional culture that fosters personal and professional growth. We want you to learn as much as you can. We want you to push yourself to new heights. The Research Fellows and your fellow interns will be there cheering you on, learning alongside you, and providing help, guidance, and encouragement when you need it. And we expect you will do the same in return.

As social sciences become increasingly quantitative and competitive, individuals with programming skills are often viewed more favorably on the job market. As part of your internship, you will receive formal training on programming languages and coding best practices. Often this expands upon your existing knowledge of programming learned in the classroom. Depending upon your assignment, you may be asked to clean data, construct an analysis dataset, perform exploratory analyses, or identify insights through statistical analyses. By the end of your internship, you will be able to demonstrate to future employers the abilities you honed while participating in real world research.

The job market, post-graduation is increasingly competitive and we want you to be well-prepared for it. Your internship with Bluestone Institute is the beginning, not the end, of your career journey. As a Research Intern you will learn skills and gain insights that will prepare you for the next step in your career progression. For some, that may mean a full-time internship in the private sector. For others, that may mean a full-time job, post-graduation or even graduate school. Whatever your next step, we want to make sure you are well-prepared and have a growing community of current and former Research Interns and Research Fellows to help you get there.

Research Interns at Bluestone Institute are engaged in real social science research - not mere busy work. You will work under the guidance and mentorship of Research Fellows to advance their research agendas. By engaging in research, you will learn best practices, coding, and other skills that are important in future careers in government, private sector, and academia. Through regular interactions with your assigned Research Fellow you will learn what it means to be a professional researcher and learn about careers in research and available opportunities, post-graduation. Our goal is to equip you with the hard and soft skills that are necessary for long-lasting success.